Ever wonder where the new events are and how to find them ...well, heres a few links to get you started. On the right side of my blog you will see the names of some of the popular events in secondlife. Teleports to the events are included all you have to do is click the label of the event you want. If you are unable to get in they are setting up for the next event and you can check the dates by reading the links I have included below. I recomment Secondlife fairs and Seraphrim to start off with. Strawberry is a very popular blog of what designers are coming out with. iHeartsl is a fun page to follow the fashions that other secondlifers have photographed. ENJOY!
Strawberry Singh is a leader in the blogs business. She has so much good advice and I follow her. If you need to know what new in the Mesh heads and upcoming releases. She has great turtorials. You will find alot there including videos on how to photoshop.
SECONDLIFE FAIRS 2016 They list the Events, Name, Teleports and Dates of Entry to Sim.
SERAPHIM is full of Events, Names, Galleries of items, Teleports, and Dates of entry to sim. They even supply a seraphim hud that is available on MP for free.
iHEARTSL is a great blog to see where all the secondlifers post their great finds.